Services Offered

Individual Counseling
Accepted Family Therapy Center is not just for families. Life can be hard when you are a family of one. You are not alone. Having someone there to talk with and share ideas, thoughts, and concern is what we do best. From depression to life changes, we can assist and support you.
Couple and Marriage Counseling
Finding someone to share your life with can be the easy part. The "How to" in becoming one is the part that many leave out. With different backgrounds, upbringings, and expectations joining as one and making life decisions together can be a challenge. We work as a team to move past hurtful words spoken and into a healthier direction to have the love you want with the love of your life.

Family Therapy
No two people are alike...not even in the same family. There is no one way to have a perfect family either. At Accepted Family Therapy Center we believe that every person has a purpose. Every family unit is the support system that helps the individual carry out their purpose. When challenges come against that plan, having the right tools can make opposition and transitions easier to manage. We have a team approach that gets everyone back into the game of life, stronger and better together.

Pre-Marital Counseling
Getting to Know "Us" Before the "I Do's" are Done.
Congratulations!!! He asked and you said, "YES!" Now let's make sure your marriage is as awesome as your love and wedding day. This 7-week class goes over all the common issues found in marriages from money to each other's family and friends. We navigate together on how to best prepare for life as "the two become one" and set realistic expectations and goals as you move into a wonderful life together.

Parenting Education Classes

Grandparents raising Grandchildren
Navigating without a Compass
With today's social media and alternative ways of communicating it is important to be able to navigate on various sites and to better understand the "tween/teen" in your home. I was raised with my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother all in one home. We learned to appreciate what each generation could offer. I want to help others have that experience of bonding and connection too.
Special Needs Parenting
Not all from the same cloth...
I am the mother of a special kid whose needs happen to be no different than any other's but my approach has to be different. In this group we work on how to manage life when it is not what we planned for but found that it is everything you love (or not). How to deal with family, friends, schools, doctors, and self.

Foster and Adoptive Parents
There's always room for one more
Our little ones need us as much as we needed them. Regardless if your home is foster or adoptive you have one thing in common: you opened your heart bigger than to just your own. I am an adoptive mom and know that feeling all too well. These sessions explore the uniqueness of your family and how best to maximize the love, time and effort it takes to be and raise your village.
Blended Family Class
Two Hearts, One Family
AFTC is dedicated to supporting all individuals through life's most challenging times. Our groups are designed to be engaging in conversation on how to deal with the changes, challenges, and offer support too.
